Dr. Giles B. Horrocks

Giles B Horrocks DDS, MS

Giles B. Horrocks DDS, MS is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma, College of Dentistry. He completed his specialty training in Periodontology in the Department of Medicine and Surgery at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dr. Horrocks received a Master of Science degree from Marquette University School of Dentistry. He is an Assistant Clinical Professor at the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Colorado and is a diplomat of the American Board of Periodontology. He has spoken nationally and internationally on Advanced Piezosurgery and Controlled Assisted Ridge Expansion (CARE). He has written a chapter on “Piezo-Assisted Ridge Expansion” in a textbook on advanced piezosurgery and has a recent publication in the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry on the CARE approach to Ridge Expansion. He has just recently published a chapter on periodontal and peri-implant soft tissue surgery in the Wiley textbook Minimally Invasive Surgery for Dental Implants. He limits his practice to Periodontics with a focus on dental implant-related surgery. 

Dr. Giles B. Horrocks' Products

CBS CARE Bone Expansion & Bone Spreading Kit according to Dr. Giles Horrocks
  • USD $2,668.60 /1EA
  • 1EA